How to Lower Your Winter Heating Bill

A woman with a coffee mug near a window. How to Lower Your Winter Heating Bill.

Wintertime is here. That means your family will be spending more time indoors to stay warm.

Let’s face it: running your furnace gets expensive. Heating alone accounts for over 40 percent of the average American’s utility bill, according to a US Department of Energy (DOE) analysis. Staying warm can be a costly proposition.

We can help. Monarch Heating & Cooling wishes more of our Montana customers knew about the simple ways to cut heating costs during the winter. Some require a small financial investment, but some are free and incredibly simple with a little diligence. 

In our many years of experience, here are some of the most effective strategies to save on heating: 

Tweaking Your Thermostat

A great way to lower your heating bill is to only use as much heat as you need. We recommend a temperature setting of 68 degrees Fahrenheit during the winter. For even bigger savings, lower the thermostat a few degrees before bed. Also, be sure to lower your heat before leaving Belgrade home.

It’s not always easy to remember to do this manually. That’s why we recommend purchasing a programmable or smart thermostat to automate the process for you. 

Shutting Doors

Lots of open space makes heat disperse faster. That’s why you should keep the doors to bedrooms and bathrooms closed wherever possible. Your living space will stay warmer for longer, thus creating fewer cycles for your heating equipment. In addition to using less energy, you’ll also be preserving the lifespan of your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment. 

Dress for Success

Funky sweaters, thick socks, and slippers are a must when it comes to saving money on your energy use! If 68 degrees feels too cold, try throwing on an extra layer before you crank up your heat to tropical climates. A little layering also allows you to warm up without the air feeling stuffy. 

Clean or Replace Your Furnace Filter

Did you know your furnace could be running at compromised efficiency? When the air filter becomes clogged with dust, your heater gets overworked. Additionally, the stifled airflow can make your heating “spotty.” For the best results, change your filter every 90 days or so, or clean it monthly if you have a reusable filter. 

Insulate! Insulate! Insulate!

Runaway heat is the enemy of your wallet. If your attic has old insulation or no insulation at all, consider having a layer of protection added. Other escape routes include walls, crawlspaces, and the jousts in your floorboards. Be sure to seal any gaps around your windows or doors.

Looking to Save More? Call Us Today

Maintenance inspections will keep you safe from unexpected repairs. They also protect your heating equipment from hidden mechanical issues that drive up your Belgrade, MT utility bills. If you need HVAC service, call Monarch Heating & Cooling at (406) 919-7819 or request service online today.

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